build Agile NZ working environments

How to build agile NZ working environments

In today's fast-paced New Zealand work environment, flexible and adaptable structures have replaced rigid frameworks. Enter Agile working. This operational model is not a fleeting trend but a strategic approach that has been transforming NZ businesses by promoting flexibility, efficiency and the ability to pivot in the face of change — a necessity for surviving and thriving in the digital era.

This comprehensive guide will demystify the concept of Agile working, exploring its core methodologies, step-by-step implementation processes, and the myriad benefits it affords to organisations and their workforces.

What is agile working?

Agile working is a project management approach that blends people, processes, technology, timing, and location to find the best and most efficient way to complete a task. It differs from traditional work practices that rely on fixed schedules, hierarchies, and physical office spaces. Instead, agile fosters greater autonomy, collaboration, transparency, and innovation by empowering individuals to choose how they work and where they work from.

What is the agile methodology?

Initially conceptualised for software development, the Agile Methodology is a set of principles focused on adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery and continuous improvement. It contrasts from traditional project management methodologies, which may rely on extensive documentation and rigorous planning before execution.

4 principles of agile

Inspired by software development projects, there are four core principles of Agile project management that can be adapted to any setting:

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

This principle underscores the importance of the human element in work. Agile focuses on building self-organising teams and fostering strong team collaboration.
2. Working software over comprehensive documentation

Prioritise delivering functional outputs rather than extensive documentation, leading to quicker feedback loops and more rapid adjustments to customer needs.

3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

The Agile approach advocates for close and continuous customer involvement, leading to a product that better meets their needs and fosters greater customer satisfaction.
4. Responding to change over following a plan

In Agile, change isn't seen as an inconvenience but as an expected and manageable part of the process. This flexibility allows for continuous improvement and the ability to pivot in response to new information or market conditions.

Types of agile frameworks

While the Agile manifesto or methodology provides the foundation, there are several frameworks that organisations use to implement Agile in practice. The most prominent are Scrum and Kanban.


  • Scrum is perhaps the most widely used framework and is especially popular in Agile software development. 

  • It involves the implementation of short, fixed-length work cycles, called sprints, to facilitate iteration and progress evaluation.

  • Central to Scrum is the concept of a Scrum team, consisting of a Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team.

  • The Scrum Master serves as a facilitator, guiding the team through the Scrum methodology, removing obstacles and ensuring adherence to principles. 

  • Tasks are organised on a Scrum board, with features such as sprint planning, daily stand-up meetings, and sprint reviews facilitating transparency and continuous improvement.


  • Kanban represents a more adaptable and evolutionary method in Agile project management, with a focus on visualising the workflow and limiting the amount of work in progress. 

  • The Kanban board serves as a visual representation of tasks moving through various stages of the workflow, allowing teams to monitor progress and identify bottlenecks in real-time. 

  • Unlike Scrum's fixed-length sprints, Kanban does not prescribe specific timeframes, enabling teams to adjust priorities and allocate resources dynamically. 

  • By focusing on continuous delivery and flow optimisation, Kanban promotes efficiency, responsiveness and adaptability.

How to build an agile working environment

To build an Agile working environment, several components come into play. Here are the key considerations for organisations looking to transition into a more Agile way of working:


Implementing hot desks allows employees to choose their workspace based on their tasks and preferences, fostering a dynamic and adaptable work environment. Embracing remote working empowers employees to work from anywhere, leveraging technology to stay connected and productive regardless of their physical location.

Activity-based working

Activity-based working encourages employees to select workspaces based on the nature of their tasks, promoting efficiency and collaboration. By providing a variety of work settings, such as open collaboration spaces, quiet zones and meeting rooms equipped with modern technology, organisations can cater to diverse work styles and preferences.

Functional software 

Functional software such as project management platforms (Asana and Trello), communication tools (Slack, Teams and Zoom), and virtual collaboration spaces, encourage teams to coordinate tasks, share information and track progress in real-time. Room booking and hoteling systems enable employees to reserve meeting spaces and workstations efficiently, reducing friction and ensuring optimal utilisation of resources. 

What are the benefits of agile working?   

Agile methodologies have been found to offer a variety of benefits over traditional, waterfall approaches to project management. These include:

Increased flexibility and responsiveness

Agile working environments are designed to adapt quickly to change, whether it's a shift in customer demands, technological advancements, or internal project adjustments. This flexibility ensures that organisations remain competitive and relevant.

Higher product quality

Through continual feedback, an Agile development methodology promotes a higher standard of product quality. Frequent testing and reviews allow for early detection and correction of issues, leading to a more reliable final product.

Improved customer satisfaction

Agile working places a strong emphasis on customer involvement and collaboration. By engaging customers throughout the development process and prioritising their needs, businesses can produce products that more accurately meet customer expectations, thereby enhancing satisfaction.

Enhanced productivity and morale

Agile working supports a team-oriented environment that values each member's contributions. This approach fosters a sense of ownership among team members, which results in increased productivity and higher morale.

Greater efficiency and reduced risks

By breaking down projects into manageable units, Agile methodologies allow teams to focus on high value features first. This not only improves efficiency but also reduces the risks associated with project development by allowing for course corrections along the way.

Better control and project visibility

Agile project management provides stakeholders with insight into every stage of the development process through regular communication and updates. This visibility ensures that everyone is aligned on project goals and progress, facilitating better decision-making.

Increased return on investment (ROI)

Agile methodologies can lead to a quicker delivery of the project, allowing organisations to realise benefits earlier than traditional methods. This accelerated time to market can significantly enhance the project's return on investment.
Agile working is not just for IT. It's a mindset and a cultural shift that is reshaping how work is conceptualised and executed. By adopting Agile principles, organisations can increase flexibility, stay ahead of the curve, and, ultimately, win over their customers with improved products and services. Whether in software development, tech, marketing, engineering or any other industry, it's never too late to take a more Agile approach to your work. 


What is the difference between agile working and flexible working?

While Agile working and flexible working share some common ground in promoting versatility, Agile is a more structured approach focused on delivering projects efficiently, while flexible working is a more generalised term that encompasses any work practice outside the traditional 9-5, single-location model.

What is an example of agile working?

An example of Agile working can be seen in the software development process of a mobile application.

In this Agile method, the development team, inclusive of software developers, designers, and product owners, collaborate closely with stakeholders to prioritise features. The project is divided into sprints, lasting one to four weeks.

During each sprint, Agile teams pick a subset of features from the product backlog, implements them, and delivers a functional version of the app. Regular meetings like daily stand-ups, sprint planning, and reviews ensure ongoing communication and alignment with project goals.

As development advances, the app evolves based on user feedback, market trends, and changing needs. This iterative method allows for quick adaptation to evolving needs, early delivery of valuable features, and a high-quality product meeting customer expectations.

What is the main difference between agile and traditional working?

The main difference lies in the approach to planning and execution. Traditional working often involves a linear, step-by-step process, whereas Agile is iterative and encourages adaptation throughout a project's life cycle.


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